Any color leotard
Any tights
Pink leather ballet shoes, black tap shoes
Gym shorts, sweatpants, fitted plain t-shirt, black ballet shoes, black tap shoes
Any color leotard
Any tights
Pink leather ballet shoes, black tap shoes
Gym shorts, sweatpants, fitted plain t-shirt, black ballet shoes, black tap shoes
Leotard, biketard, yoga pants, cami
None needed
Bare feet
Gym shorts, sweatpants, fitted plain t-shirt
Black leotard
Pink tights
Pink leather or canvas ballet shoes
Black ballet pants, white or black shirt, black leather or canvas ballet shoes
Leotard, biketard, yoga pants, cami, comfortable fitted fitness clothing
None needed
A sneaker not worn outside is required
Gym shorts, sweat pants, fitted plain t-shirt, sneakers not worn outside
*Hippity Hop, Mini & Petite Hip Hop: Requires all white sneaker for recital
*Hip Hop A-F: Requires all black sneaker for recital
Black leotard, black tap pants/leggings/shorts allowed
Pink, skin colored, or black tights
Skin colored pull-on gore boot
Black pants, fitted plain t-shirt, black pull-on gore boot
Black leotard, black tap pants/leggings/shorts allowed
None needed or same as Jazz
Kidlet-Mini: Any black tap shoe
Petite-Level F: Split sole tap with laces
Black pants, fitted plain t-shirt, black tap shoes
Black leotard, black leggings/shorts allowed
Pink, skin colored, or black tights
Bare feet
Black pants, fitted plain t-shirt, bare feet
Black leotard
*Warm-up clothing at discretion of teacher
Pink tights
Pink leather or canvas ballet shoes
Black ballet pants, white or black shirt, black leather or canvas ballet shoes
Please understand the dress code is strictly enforced. Continuously not coming to class in appropriate attire could result in your child being excused from class. Although at first the dress code rules may appear to be strict, they are not arbitrary.
Ballet has a long history of tradition, discipline, grace, and elegance. Students are asked to show respect for the art form by putting effort into how they dress and groom themselves for class.
Dance Related Tuition and Fees:
I understand that I have entered into a payment obligation for the period in which I am enrolled in the dance program at The Dance Company Souhegan Valley LLC. My total yearly tuition has been divided into 10 equal monthly payments. These payments are due on or before the 1st of each month, from September through May, with the 10th payment being due on May 25th, 2025.
Automatic Payments:
I understand my credit card will be kept securely on file, my class tuition fees will be automatically charged monthly on the 1st of each month This will also include all charges for costume deposits (deposit due Nov 05, 2024) and recital balances (due Feb 05, 2025). I understand that If I prefer to pay by cash or check, payment needs to be received by the 30th of the month in order for my credit card not to be charged.
I understand that I am required to keep an updated credit card on file.
Late Payment Fee:
If a balance remains on my account for more than 7 days, a late fee of $15 will be added on the 7th of each month my child is enrolled and for every 7th day thereafter if payment is not received. If payment is not received within 30 days my child will be removed from the class until the balance is paid in full. If a balance exceeds 60 days past due it will be sent to collections. If sent to collections a fee of 40% of the balance will be applied to cover the cost of collections.
Remaining Balance:
All students with a remaining balance prior to recital will not be eligible to receive costumes or participate in our year-end recital.
TDC does require a minimum number of students to enroll in a class in order for the class to run. Because of this, TDC reserves the right to reschedule or combine classes or cancel classes.
TDC reserves the right to provide a substitute or replacement teacher as TDC may deem necessary.
Makeup Policy Student/Teacher:
Classes are not prorated when a student misses a class. Students may obtain written permission from the office to make up a class in a similarly skilled and age level class within 30 days of their absence. No makeup classes are allowed after April 1st.
Dancers are not to exceed 3 make-ups per class.
Should a teacher be unable to teach a class we will first attempt to find a substitute teacher that can provide the same quality instruction as they do. If this is unavailable to them the class will be canceled and a make-up class will be scheduled as soon as possible or refund credit will be issued.
Two year old make-ups:
We ask that two year olds only make-up classes between November and March. To ensure dancers have adequate time to able to adjust to their classes.
Recitals are always optional but highly encouraged. We strive for a very family friendly recital and will do our absolute best to make it as fun and affordable for all parties involved and those that wish to come and watch. YOU MUST NOTIFY US BY NOVEMBER 30th or at the time of registration (if later than Nov 30th) if your child will not be participating in recital. All costume deposits are non-refundable. Costume companies do charge a fee to cancel costume orders so should you drop we will cancel your child’s order and you will not receive your costume deposit back.
Recital Costume Fees:
Costume deposit of $50 (per class per student) is due 11/5/24.
Costume balances are due 2/5/25.
Rates Per Costume:
Ages 4 and under: $75
All other classes: $90
*Costumes do not include tights.
Recital Fee:
A $35 recital fee (due 2/5/25) includes a studio tee shirt for each child as well as a yearbook for the current dance year and digital download of the recital.
Costume Orders:
Costumes are ordered once deposits are received. Costumes will not be ordered if deposit payment is 30 days past due.
Costume Exchanges:
Students are measured for costumes in classes and they will be delivered March-May. If a costume does not fit, we are able to exchange within one week of receiving it at no cost to you, if it is returned in its original packaging. After that week, there may be additional shipping/handling fees and/or limited availability.
If a child wishes to withdraw from a class or change a class, the withdrawal must be submitted in written form and turned in prior to the 1st of the month. Tuition will continue to be charged until proper paperwork is turned in and is nonrefundable.
Drop Class Policy:
Any class dropped after registration is subject to a $25 administrative drop fee beginning Nov 1st. This fee will be automatically debited from your account at the time of the drop.
We do not offer an option to pause classes.If your child wishes to drop during a a class their spot cannot be guaranteed in a class and a registration fee is charged upon rejoining should space allow.
Should an injury occur, a doctor’s note is required and only half month’s tuition will be due during the time out requested by the doctor. We welcome students to attend class to observe during this time. If your child wishes to drop during an injury their spot cannot be guaranteed in a class and a registration fee is charged upon rejoining should space allow.
Late Registration:
Should a child not be able to begin classes in September, full tuition is due to hold their place in class or we cannot guarantee the spot otherwise. Same applies for an extended absence during the year. After November 30th registration is at the staff’s discretion based on where a class falls in our curriculum. Those registering late may be responsible for additional shipping costs of costume if they have already been ordered.
AT TDC we all strive for the same goal and that is to help your child become successful in dance. Regardless of whether they are enrolled in our preschool, recreational, or competitive program!
Placement Level:
Students are placed into a class based on age, skill level, and prior experience. Our classes are designed to begin placing students by age, while this does not hold true for every child most children need two years per level to develop the necessary skills to move up, some more some less. In 5th grade students (in some teacher recommended cases 4th) are then evaluated and placed accordingly. Please note that Ballet is highly recommended for all ages however once in juniors/seniors programs it is a prerequisite for any class with the exception of Tap and Hip Hop.
It is never too late to begin dancing. While sometimes a child may find themselves in a class with children slightly younger, don’t get discouraged! With some hard work and determination, they can be moving up before you know it.
Class Enrollment:
A minimum number of 5 children is required for a class to run. Some exceptions may be made. If a cancellation is necessary, you will be notified, and we will assist you in finding an appropriate alternative. If we cannot accommodate your dancer, we will give you a refund.
Small Class Attendance:
We do have a small class policy in place. At the teacher’s discretion, any class with one student on any given day will be cut in half. Any class with 2 or 3 students in attendance that day will be shortened by 15 minutes. This does not apply to private or semi-private lessons.
For a student to reach their full potential a student must attend class on a consistent basis. It is the responsibility of both the student and their parents that they attend class on time and regularly. We encourage students to arrive early. Children who are injured are encouraged to come and watch class if they are unable to dance. If you will not be attending class, we kindly ask that you make an effort to notify the teacher or the office so they can plan class accordingly.
Frequent absences affect not only the student but the entire class, especially when working on choreography. Consistent absences during recital preparation period (April-June) may result in dancers being taken out of parts of the choreography.
While we are aware sometimes things happen, this rule is in place for the safety of the dancer. Should any student come to class late they will be asked to sit and stretch on their own. If they are 15 minutes late or more, they may be asked to sit and watch if they are not adequately stretched and ready for class.
Running late:
In our experiences arriving too late for a scheduled class can cause extreme anxiety in younger children. Prompt pick up especially for younger children cannot be stressed enough. The feeling of being ”forgotten” can sometimes ruin a class experience. In addition, often times teachers run from one class to another with no time in between. Should you be running late please call to notify us, so we can inform your child and give them the appropriate attention needed so they do not experience the feeling of being forgotten at the dance studio!
Early Arrivals:
In addition, we ask that you do not arrive more than 20 minutes early for your dance class or leave your children alone in the waiting room for more than 20 minutes prior to class!
Placement Level:
Students are placed into a class based on age, skill level, and prior experience. Our classes are designed to begin placing students by age, while this does not hold true for every child most children need two years per level to develop the necessary skills to move up, some more some less. In 5th grade students (in some teacher recommended cases 4th) are then evaluated and placed accordingly. Please note that Ballet is highly recommended for all ages however once in juniors/seniors programs it is a prerequisite for any class with the exception of tap and hip hop.
It is never too late to begin dancing. While sometimes a child may find themselves in a class with children slightly younger, don’t get discouraged! With some hard work and determination, they can be moving up before you know it.
In the event of inclement weather please call the studio and a recorded message will notify you if your class will run that day (by 8am for morning classes and by 3pm for afternoon). If the schools are closed it does not mean TDC is closed often times weather varies from morning to evening. There are no makeup classes due to inclement weather until a second class has been canceled. You are free to join an appropriate class as a makeup if you’d like within 30 days of the canceled class. No classes may be made up after April 1st. In the event that a second class is canceled we will offer a make-up date or refund credit.
The best compliment you could possibly give TDC is recommending us to your friends and family as we all work together to grow an amazing dance studio. As our way of saying thank you for every friend referred you will receive a $10 credit on your account. YOUR FRIEND MUST LET US KNOW when registering. The credit may only be used towards classes. We cannot use referral credits for costumes, recital fees, etc.
In 2019 TDC completed renovations on a beautiful 8500 sq foot building that boasts 4 dance studios, a separate acrobatics studio, a generous sized waiting area, student lounge, closed circuit tv and more.
The lobby is designed for the convenience of our students and their families. All children must be supervised by an adult. Quiet conversation is welcome. Gossip is highly discouraged and will not be tolerated. We encourage parents of children under 5 to remain in the lobby while your child is taking class, especially if your child is not potty trained or are unable to use the bathroom alone as assistance may be needed.
Lounge Area:
This area is for students who may have a break between classes, need to grab a quick bite, or relax in between classes. A fridge and microwave are provided in the lounge.
The Studio:
No food or drink other than water will be allowed in the dance studios at any time. No street shoes are allowed in the studio or for class.
We rely on parents to make decisions when your child is sick or injured. A child that is injured is highly encouraged to come observe class, so they do not fall behind on materials. Students should inform their teachers of any injury, illness, or other medical conditions that affect stamina or performance. However, if your child is sick please stay home and get well!
Oftentimes it is difficult to communicate with parents on a night in which your child may have class. Conversations between classes are not permitted as many teachers have classes that run back to back. However, we want to make sure that the lines of communication consistently remain open.
We use EMAIL for newsletters, and all important information to assure that parents receive the information as well as to save on the use of paper. If you do not have or use email, please notify us and we will make other arrangements.
*** If you are not receiving emails and information from TDC at least once per month, check in with us. We have no way of knowing you are not receiving it unless you let us know.
FYI. -If you SPAM the TDC emails the database company will set your account to do not send! The best way to contact us is via email or a phone call during scheduled office hours. We are happy to set up parent teacher conferences should you have any concerns or questions that need to be addressed.
We also welcome suggestions at anytime!
Should you have any questions, concerns, or need clarity on anything throughout the year we are here to help!
Account Holder
We encourage parents to list both parents onto their child’s account. In the event we need to discuss an account we will only release information to those on the account. This is especially important in divorce or guardianship situations. We also suggest listing multiple emails when information is intended to be shared amongst family members.